Wednesday, February 9

Comfort book: "Shadow of the Hegemon"

Two days ago when I was at the library I saw this book and picked it up to check out. I hadn't planned on taking it out but it just happened to be there and I just happen to be waiting for my next leisure-reading book to come in.

This book is the literary equivalent of comfort food to me. I've read better books-- read all the books in this "Ender's Shadow" series, in fact-- but this is one of those books I can't not pick up when I go past the paperback fiction shelf and it's just there, waiting to be read. I usually read it in a day, not because I have the time to sit down and read a book cover-to-cover but because it takes a lot of effort to tear myself away from it once I've started. It's a real page-turning thriller, and even though I know what will happen to all these characters that I know and care for I still get caught up in the same emotions I had when I first read the book.

Right now the book is in one of my desk drawers rather someplace I can see it. This is to prevent me from reading the book before the weekend. Maybe I'll do an actual book review then, when all the details are fresh, rather than now and during the weekday when other responsibilities take precedence. After all, the protagonist is one of the namesakes of my violin.

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