Wednesday, August 31

According to Steve, sort of.

I was going to make this a post on "Steve-isms"; or, things that the character Steve from Coupling says.  I started making a list when I realized two things:
1) someone else out there on the internet made a much better, comprehensive list
2) Steveisms are funny because they're sexist, and his character is such a stereotypical heterosexual man.  He's the most sensitive of the three male leads but that doesn't mean he says or does infuriating things.

from Season 1, Episode 4: The 4 Pillars of the Male Heterosexual Psyche:
1. Naked women
2. Stockings
3. Lesbians
4. Sean Connery best as James Bond

"When man invented fire, he didn't say, "Hey, let's cook"; he said "Great! Now we can see naked bottoms in the dark!"

from Season 2, Episode 9: 3 things all men should know
1. You're never going to be famous
2. You're fatter than you think
3. They (women) don't keep wearing stockings

I still like the show and feel that it's a solid sitcom, but it disturbs me that it took me so long to notice just how sexist the characters can be.  Each of the six leads represent different stereotypes based on gender but they're all still pretty homophobic, classist, sexist, and they're all white.  I don't feel like I'll have to turn my brain off to watch this show but I've come to realize why I find some things funny and accepted that some jokes are funny because they're sexist, etc.

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