Friday, October 28

Public Transportation Bingo!

I saw a man wearing a kilt earlier this week.  I did a classic double-take: from the waist up he was dressed like any other man, with a half-zip up black fleece sweater.  On the bottom, though, was the kilt and his stout, pale, slightly hairy legs.  This was on the train.  I didn't see any other people wearing kilts that day, or even in this month.  What are the chances of seeing a guy in a kilt on a non-holiday?  This question made me want to come up with my own version of BINGO based on the typical and the unusual people and events I've witnessed while riding public transportation:


Be my friend?


Icky habits


Normal, not atypical people




Oh the things you can hear!

Man wearing a kilt
Person sitting next to you reeks

Tourist couple
Delay due to inclement weather
Stranger attempts to engage you in a serious
Someone reading a book on an esoteric topic
eats something smelly
Woman applying makeup
Delay due to police action
Uncomfortably loud and personal  conversation
takes place
Person with dog too big to sit in lap



Unexplained delay
 Loud baby
Musician carrying an instrument
An uncovered sneeze
Field trip school group
Someone almost falls due to sudden jerking movement of vehicle
Can hear every word of the song someone’s listening to on headphones
Someone who has almost completed the daily crossword
Someone who leaves trash behind
Man in business suit and sneakers
People cluster around exits rather than moving all the way into the vehicle
A mumbling vehicle operator

I think I'll see how close I get to a BINGO this week, and see how well I fare for the next month.

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