Thursday, October 6

Two truths and a lie: Full of win

All of these events took place in my first year of college.
1.  I won a hula hoop contest.
2.  I won a talent show.
3.  I won a spelling bee.

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Highlight below to see the answer, with explanations.

1.  This statement is the lie!  I was the runner-up in this hula hoop contest.  I ended up hula hooping for five minutes, and it got to the point where my left hand fell asleep.  Granted, I have pretty bad circulation.  Counter to what one might think, having large hips makes it harder to hula hoop, and I think that my slender-figured competitior won thanks to her boyish figure.

2.  I did win a talent show, playing the violin.  I was completely shocked that I won; I felt I did a good job in my performance but there were so many other more interesting and flashy acts that preceded and followed my little bit, and when it came to voting I earnestly voted for the rap duo that closed the show.  I wasn't about to argue, though, when I was handed $100 in cash.  It felt a little dirty, a little cheap, but money is money.

3.  A weak victory; I actually almost forgot this because it was such a quick bee and I didn't win any prize.  I didn't win because I'm a great speller but I just merely outlasted the few competitors that showed up to this event.  Also, I think the judges gave tougher words to the kids who said they were English majors.

End of post.

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