Tuesday, December 6

The "Harry Potter" series and wordplay

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Duh.  Two things I love: the Harry Potter book series and wordplay/lexical fun.  Why haven't I written a post like this before?

A selection (read: anything I can come up with right now) of puns or wordplay in the book series:

Remus Lupin
- in Roman mythology, Remus is the twin brother of Romulus, for whom the city of Rome was named.  Both were orphaned and were raised by the she-wolf Lupa
- Lupine= wolf-like
- Remus Lupin, 3rd year professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, is a werewolf

Knockturn Alley
- introduced in book 2, this is a seedy place and the prime location for finding anything or anyone related to dark magic
- say it all in one breath: "knockturnalley".  It becomes "nocturnally".
- nocturnal= having to do with the night/the dark--> the time/place of dark magic

Professor Dolores Umbridge
- evil, evil lady and firm believer in eugenics and cruelly punishing those who she finds disagreeable
- dolor in Spanish (and in other Latin-based languages, I assume) means "pain"
- to take umbradge in something is to take offense or be insulted by something

Professor Minerva McGonagall
- the strict and wise Transfiguration professor
- Minerva is the Roman name for Athene/Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strategy

Sirius Black
- Harry's godfather, who is also an Animagus who can transform into a black dog at will
- Sirius is the dog constellation
- black--> duh, he can turn into a black dog; also, he is initially seen as an antagonist and misidentified as the one who betrayed Harry's parents to the Dark Lord

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