Saturday, December 3

Stages of grief: Christmas edition

christmas cookie

By the twelfth day of this month I will have played about 20 hours' worth of Christmas music, which includes having played "Jingle Bells" sixty times.  This is not the first time this has happened, and I've already gone through enough Christmas shows to anticipate how I will feel about Christmas as a result of playing almost every song imaginable related to this most festive winter holiday:

1. Denial
At first I think, pfft I'll be alright, I've done this several times before.  I'm immune to Christmas fatigue, ha ha ha!

2. Anger
I will start to fantasize about roasting Rudolph over an open fire and punching Jack Frost in the nose.  The anger will translate into a brusque fortissimo on poor Julian Matthias, my violin.

3. Bargaining
I mark time with each piece and force myself to remember that I'm getting paid to play this music, and there are much worse ways to earn money.

4. Acceptance (I don't usually have enough energy to go through the real step 4 from the Kübler-Ross model)
Every song I play is so bad that it becomes good, and, ironically or not, I actually start to enjoy playing all that music and sing along when I can (despite my lack of singing voice).

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