Tuesday, December 27

FIVE favorite commercials from this year

An unranked list:

1. Times Square flash mob for "Star Wars: The Old Republic"
I think flash mobs are starting to get passé, untrendy, and cosplay is easy to mock, but I still really like how this was put together.  Unmasked Darth Vader is much more horrifying that masked Darth Vader, and seeing him walk out into Times Square must've been a truly singular experience even for the jaded New Yorker (though I doubt that they'd bother to go to this busy tourist hotspot).  And I love how the people who seemed to be bystanders took out their own lightsabers and enacted countless more duels between good and evil.  Which side would I choose?  It'd be more fun to be the bad guys but, really, I'd have to follow my heart and fight for the Rebel Alliance.

2.  Super Bowl Volkswagon commercial
Of course I have to include this adorable ad.  So simple and effective even though there are no lines spoken and the commercial only highlights a single feature of the car, albeit a supercool feature.  I was slightly crestfallen when I found out that the child actor inside the costume had never even seen Star Wars prior to filming the commercial (!), but I think that goes to show that this commercial still does a good job telling a story.

3.  Kristen Schaal's commercials for the Sony Xperia PLAY
I already wrote a post on my favorite of the series because I didn't think I'd end up making a list of a bunch of my fav commercials.  Again, I like these commercials because they're funny and do a good job selling both the actor and the product.

4.  New Era Rivalry commercials featuring Alec Baldwin and John Krasinski
I think the first commercial is my favorite but they've all made me laugh.  New Era made a smart move in casting these two actors and using them as representatives of their respective baseball teams.  I wonder if the other 48 states are tired of hearing about the Red Sox vs. Yankees rivalry, but it still lives on and continues to be a source of frustration and satire. Here are my thoughts on the second, third, fourth, fifth, and last commercials from this series.

5.  Promo for season 3 of the NBC's "Community"
I watched all of the episodes from season 3 at leats twice in preparation for the fall premiere and was not disappointed with any of the episodes.  This show is so wildly creative and packed with pop culture references and bumps up against the fourth wall and pushes boundaries in unexpected ways, and seeing all those descriptors written out it's no wonder that this show hasn't been a ratings darling and has been cancelled postponed indefinitely.  All shows come to an end (well, maybe not Doctor Who) but it's much too soon for Community to end.  It's poignant to look back at this promo and see just the tip of what this third season has given.  How many other shows feature multiple timelines, a man with an elephant ivory toupee, shadow puppets, an epic Japanimation foosball showdown, and a Doctor Who parody in the same season?

1 comment:

  1. Fun fact. That guy is Not Darth Vader I found out. It was a promo for this star wars mmo that came out. Think World of Warcraft but with Sith, Jedi, Bounty Hunters, and Smugglers.

    And even Doctor Who has the possibility of coming to an end I've come to find out. I'm not sure if your familiar but the Doctor's species can regenerate from the point of death in an effort to prolong their lives. This writing tactic gets the doctor to sacrifice his life in various ways usually saving a friend. Anywho (get it?) it seems Time Lords have a finite number of regenerations, 13 to be exact. So after Matt Smith presumably we have 2 more Doctors to go. Although I'm sure there will be some loophole found.
