Sunday, September 25

Commercial FTW!

Instead of typing "blogger" to get here I almost typed "bladder".  You'll see why in a minute:

This is my favorite of all these commercials.  Let me count the ways, yes?
1) Finally they show the two protagonists sitting down and actually watching a Sox-Yankees game together, and they act and react just as you'd expect. 
2)  And finally they show a Yankees cap (not that I was complaining or anything) and it's still not that close to Mr. Baldwin's head, but no matter.
3)  Great escalating trash talk that actually gets personal and makes reference to the actors' respective personas: John Krasinski is actually married (to Emily Blunt, who we never see and hasn't been referenced before), and Alec Baldwin has brothers with wildly divergent personal and political perspectives.
4)  Peeing your pants: it happens when you don't wanna miss a thing.
5)  My suspicions are pretty much confirmed: they put up these videos whenever there's a Sox-Yankees series going on.  For the record I think that whenever the Sox win in these videos they lose in real life.
6)  I relate to Alec Baldwin's unfounded superstition that doing something like leaving the room to go pee will jinx my sports team and cause them to lose.

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