I just saw this Facebook status and wanted to record it:
35T3 P3QU3Ñ0 T3XT0 5IRV3 4P3N45 P4R4 D3M05TR4R C0M0 NU35TR4 C4B3Z4 PU3D3 H4C3R C05A5 1MPR3510N4NT35! P0N 4T3NC10N! 4L PR1NC1P10 35T4B4 M3D10 C0MPL1C4D0, P3R0 3N 35T4 L1N34 5U M3NT3 V4 D3C1FR4ND0 3L C0D1G0 C451 4UT0M4T1C4M3NT3, S1M P3N54R MUCH0, C13RT0? PU3D3 QU3D4R B13N 0RGULL050 D3 35T0! 5U C4P4C1D4D M3R3C3 uN45 F3L1C1T4C10N35
It's in Spanish and in text-speak. The zeroes are O's, the ones are I's, threes are E's, the fours are A's and the fives are S's. In regular Spanish it reads as such:
Este pequeño texto sirve apenas para demonstrar como nuestra cabeza puede hacer cosas impresionantes! Pon atencion! Al principio estaba medio complicado, pero en esta linea su mente va decifrando el codigo casi automaticamente, sim pensar mucho, cierto? Puede quedar bien orgulloso de esto! Su capacidad merece unas felicitaciones
Translated into English without the use of any dictionary because I'm lazy (although translating it kind of negates the message):
This little text serves to demonstrate how our brain can do amazing things! Pay attencion! At the beginning it was kind of hard, but in this line your mind is decoding almost automatically, without thinking much, right? You should be really proud of this! Congratulations for having such mental capacity.
Amusing, to consider the layers of language, the way communication has changed so much. The message actually rings true for me in that as I continued reading the passage it became easier to read despite the fact that it was in Spanish and had five letters substituted for numbers. It reminds me of this "brain teaser":
Say the color of the word:
green yellow pink blue red orange black
purple white black green pink yellow blue
The text speak you've come across here is often referred to as L337 SP34K, or in english Leet Speak. It's a nerdy made up language apparently used by the nerd elite, or 3L173 :)