Wednesday, April 13

Butter is better

I am sick.  I try not to write about personal, day-to-day stuff, but I haven't been feeling up to snuff for the last days.  What bothers me the most isn't the soreness in my neck, shoulders, armpits and ankles; not the boggy feeling in my head that feels like my mind has been infiltrated by Jell-O; not the sponaneous flash-floods that run from my nose.  No, the most bothersome thing about being is sick is having no appetite at all.  Regular meal times come and go and I have no desire to eat anything.  I know it's crass to complain about not wanting to eat; many people don't have the diversity of options available to me, nor the money to have enough to eat at any meal.  I know all this. If you're reading this I apologize for complaining when there are larger issues plaguing the world, and ask that you humor this little post of mine.

I am goin somewhere with all this, if you were wondering.  This morning I was in a rush and unmotivated to fix myself breakfast, and at out in the morning.  I ordered myself a simple egg and cheese sandwich on English muffin-- something not terribly exciting but filling and nutritious.  Ah, but what was magical and post-worthy about this sandwich was that the bread was buttered and toasted on a griddle, and the egg was cooked using butter.  I usually cook using oil because it's healthier and more convenient (I don't have to pull it out of the fridge).  But oh my goodness butter is better.  It added such a rich and creamy flavor that I actually enjoyed eating and tried to savor the experience.  My appetite hasn't entirely come back but I found it noteworthy that my breakfast made such an impression on me that I'm salivating slightly as I type this.  I'm going to have to make an effort to use butter more often.  Real butter, that is.  "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" tastes okay, I guess, but if I'm going to indulge I want to do it all the way and use the real stuff. 

to be continued...maybe...

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