Friday, April 15

Voices in my head

Thanks to being sick, my voice is lower and less nasal, throaty and froggy.  It's probably been like this for the past few days but I only noticed it this morning.  I sound like a different person, maybe someone who is nocturnal and used to have a pack-a-day cigarette habit which has been reduced to avid secondhand smoking by deeply inhaling the tobacco-scented exhale of others.  If I were someone else I'd be surprised by the voice that's been coming out of me.  Which got me thinking about...

1. Mark Hamill, aka Luke Skywalker.  He's actually had a solid career in Hollywood, although his likeness hasn't made an appearance on the big screen for some time.  He's done a lot of work as a voice actor, and recently I found out that he was the voice of Fire Lord Ozai  for the TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender.  I never would've known it was him if I didn't happen to look at the credits.  He sounds nothing like Luke, or like The Joker, which he has voiced in a couple other shows that feature Batman.  Which leads me to...

2.  Heath Ledger.  For some reason I got it into my head early on that Heath Ledger was hobbit-sized, and it always surprised me to see him tower over shorter co-stars (he was about 6 ft. tall).  But not only that, I forgot that he had such a deep voice.  Very deep voice.  Obviously to portray The Joker in "The Dark Knight" he changed his voice-- and completely transformed himself-- but in other performances that stand out in my mind he maintains that understated baritone timbre.  And on the other end of the spectrum, there's...

3. Mike Tyson.  Such an intimidating visage paired with a high and sibilant voice.  It's a good thing he found a profession that follows the saying "actions speak louder than words."

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