Saturday, May 21

Exquisite Corpse

For my poetry project I chose to play Exquisite Corpse with some of my friends.  From what I remember, it was a game started by poets wherein a piece of paper is passed around and the poem is written one word at a time, with each participant writing one word.  I think that some sort of word order rule was in place, with some sort of pattern (verb-adjective-noun) so the poem wouldn't end up comprised entirely of adjectives.  My friends and I tried several variations on this game; for the following poem I set the theme as "College Days" and had each person choose what kind of word she wanted to include, but no one was allowed to see what other people had written.  After reading (and guffawing at) the end result I tried to tidy it up a little so it made slightly more sense; I didn't want to mess with the order of the words or the words selected.

College Days

Slippers vomited quickly,
Scary tower on grades exploded.
I drank excitedly above a troublesome shoe
disorganized running around
easily sweaty

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