Friday, May 20

T-bone craving!

No, I don't have the urge to suddenly give up being vegetarian and go on a meat binge.  The "t-bone" in the title refers to the brass instrument: the trombone.  I've been fascinated with it for some time because:
1) I have yet to learn how to play a brass instrument
2) It's the only brass instrument that has a long slide rather than valves
3) I'm amused by how dangerous its movement is, since the slide extends so far out.

A while back I was watching Jeopardy! and one of the contestants was revealed to having a large collection of instruments, none of which she could play.  This kind of motivated me to not only collect a trombone and learn to play it; this has yet to happen.  And earlier this year I watched the film The Brothers Bloom in which one character collects hobbies, among which include various instruments.  I don't mean to ever stop developing my skills on the violin, but I hope to buy and learn to play the trombone-- just for my own amusement, and so I can say that I know how to play it.  This aspiration doesn't rank terribly high on the list of Things I'd Like To Accomplish but it's one that seems the most doable at this point in my life...aside from the fact that I don't have the funds to buy a trombone or the time to practise.

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