Wednesday, June 22

I take it all back, I do not hate summer

I had a kiwi for dessert today and ohmygoodnessitwasdelicious.  I didn't feel like eating it with the peel this time around, and as I was peeling it I had its green juice dribble down from my wrist to my elbow.  Oh how I was tempted to like it! But, as we all know, it is impossible to like your own elbow.  Okay, maybe unless you're Gene Simmons.  Mmh, but it took more time to peel than to eat; I must've finished it in three bites. For most of this year a great bulk of my fruit consumption was in the form of canned peaches-- which I love-- and now finally, FINALLY there's an abundance of fresh fruit to be had.  And farmer's markets, with fresh local produce; ah, it'll be nice to eat a tomato that actually tastes like one rather than just simply looking the part and offering very little excitement for my taste buds.

Yesterday I made pizza dough (I've been really into baking lately) and had to make the very difficult decision of figuring out what to do with it.  Make pizza? Or focaccia, as I did last week? Or prepare it to stuff, roll and bake tomorrow morning as sticky buns? Oh, the difficult decisions that I am faced with in the summertime...

1 comment:

  1. I can "like" my elbow just fine. Both of them have served me very well throughout my life. They keep my biceps and forearms together, even if they're in a big fight :)

    Also in response to your video :)
