Wednesday, January 26

Character sketch: Peter

It's not his real name but for the purpose of this blog I'm going to call him Peter. He's the conductor of the orchestra I'm in and during rehearsal the other night it occurred to me that it might be fun to write about him. Some other orchestra members would also make for interesting side characters for...something to write about in the future? But for now: the orchestra conductor.

Peter is from Siberia and speaks English with a bit of an accent. "Celli" (plural of cello, pronounced "chel-lee") comes out of his mouth as chee-yell-lee, so the word has three syllables rather than two distinct ones. He pronounces his v's as w's but it's not that noticeable unless you're like me and pick up on this kind of stuff. He has a predilection for stopping the orchestra to tell anecdotes about the other orchestra he conducts, which is at a local public high school. The combination of his accent and personality make for amusing storytelling, because it's hard to figure out if the story is intended to be comical or insightful until the very end. He's of average height and weight, has dusty-brown hair and blue eyes behind glasses. He sits on a stool on the conductor's podium and leans forward on it slightly when conducting us. Peter holds the baton upwards in his right hand, and his motions are something between sculpting invisible clouds and slicing invisible zombies.

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