Sunday, January 2

Rule number one

Don't talk about Fight Club.

No, but seriously, I wanted to elaborate on the first rule I'm imposing on myself regarding this blog. I want to make myself write daily, regardless how how I feel or what little I have to say. I want to be able to say that I posted something every day and be able to look back on what I've done (and hopefully see some progress). But I included the part about not having internet access because I hope to go to Nicaragua again.

I went there last summer for a week-long mission with my church. I hope to go again this year but I'm not sure if it'll work out. In any case, if I do end up going I won't even have time to get on the computer, never mind using the internet to write a little blog post. For now, that's the only exception I'm giving myself-- the only time I'll allow myself to go without putting my little inane thoughts on this site.

On a slightly related note, I wonder what kind of material I'll come up with every day to put here...


  1. You just broke rules one AND two :)

  2. What is Rule Two for your blog?

    I had the same goal, but quickly found it not realizable. Even here on vacation, some days are just like yesterday, and though great, invoke no new adjectives.

    You've been to Nicaragua? The friend I'm staying with in Florida was there for a few weeks before I arrived at her house. She tells me you can buy a bus for $2000...
