I still enjoy snow and snow days. I like to shovel snow, too. It's a good way to be productive and get a workout at the same time. I feel really good after I come back indoors and peel of the extra layers; I don't feel like I've worked out properly until I'm sweaty and my muscles are a little tired. I'm anticipating feeling a little sore tomorrow, and will be slightly disappointed if I'm not.
If this is in fact true than you are a very rare breed Ms. Kim. Everyone in our generation, including myself, has become jaded when it comes to snowfall in New England. I will say this though: out of all my friends I seem to be the only one to remember when we found this fun. I'd see a neighbor shoveling and ask "Remember when this was fun? All the snow and having a day off?" Not one person in the past five years has answered this in the affirmative. Well at least I haven't completely lost my sense of childlike wonderment.