Monday, January 31

Looking back, looking forward; Updates

After hitting the "PUBLISH POST" button at the bottom of my screen here I will have written one blog post a day for an entire month. One down, eleven to go. I can't come up with a cogent argument as to this experiment having a positive effect on my writing, but at least it's gotten me to sit in front of the computer and actually think instead of falling into the routine of cycling through the same websites until I look at the clock and egads how long have I been here I was supposed to find a recipe for falafel and all I've done is watch twelve videosofdogsridingturtlesgaah! Hmm, and apparently it hasn't curbed my proclivity to ramble. I swear I don't typically write run-on sentences! I love grammar and spelling and punctuation!

For the next month I'll make a word bank of 37 Interesting Words and try to use one word in every post, rather than give myself seven days to use seven words. Good thing February's a short month. And it's that the beginning of the next month also includes the beginning of the lunar (not Chinese!) New Year. Thursday marks the start of the Year of the Rabbit. I have hope for the new year, that it'll be better than the last.

* * * * *
Currently reading:
Eleven by Patricia Reilly Giff
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (reading it a second time)

Recently viewed:
Avatar: The Last Airbender, Book I, Vol. I: Water (Nickelodeon TV series)
Underdog (2007)
10 Things I Hate About You (1999) by Gil Junger
Coupling season 2 (BBC)


  1. What in God's name is that gif from? Epileptics would be terrified.

  2. Wha-? I've heard about this Reddit thing but never taken part in it. Maybe I should? I took the above GIF from another website, assuming it was just scenes from the documentary "Jesus Camp" put to a Technicolor strobe, and a head counselor's head was replaced with a dinosaur's (velociraptor, if I'm not mistaken).
