Thursday, March 17

Let's pretend that this post has some cohesion

It'd be fun to have a motorbike.  Or a Vespa!  But not practical.  If I had one I would've driven it today; instead I biked the mile or so as the sun was going down.  It's the first time I've gone biking all year and it was fan-tastic.  I love walking and taking time to take in my surroundings but biking is faster and a bit more fun.  I'm a little tired because I had to use different leg muscles in different days, but I'm inspired to bike more now that the weather is nicer and the snow and ice has melted.

There was a good amount of other people on the bike path when I was on it.  That's another fun thing about biking: people-watching.  Watching runners, packs of high school cross country teams, moms with babies in strollers, other bikers...okay, it's not the typical kind of people-watching because I'm moving on a bike and the amount of time spent watching one person or group is dictated both by my speed and his/hers/theirs.  And I can barely eavesdrop on people's conversations. But I still find it entertaining nonetheless. 

Every so often when I go on the bike path I come across a pair of men on rollerskates with their dogs-- sort of medium-sized dogs, I don't know what breed.  I'm always struck by how cool these men look.  They're not young yuppies, they've got to be in their sixties, with white hair and wrinkles and gruff yet warm voices.  They wear all the protective gear-- wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads-- yet they don't wear helmets, which kind of bugs me.  But they still look really cool.  They're proficient rollerbladers, able to stop and go with ease.  Maybe one day I'll stop and talk to them.

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