This song makes me unspeakably happy. To me it's catchy and minimalistic in the way that Beyonce's "Single Ladies" is. On the surface it's just a song about how Lil Mama likes certain kinds of lip gloss and she blatantly praises her favorite brands. Yeah, I know, I just said "on the surface", implying that there's some depth to this song. I think Lil Mama is aware of this by the way she ends the video, saying that it's not really the lip gloss that brings all the boys to the yard but it's the way she feels when she's wearing the lip gloss. That the pigment itself doesn't do much beyond enhancing the shine and color on her lips, but that it's the cosmetic equivalent of lucky underwear and the supposed magic powers that come with wearing it. In past musings I mentioned how I feel like I can hide behind glasses and that they offer a sort of protection. Lip gloss works the same way, you could say.
Confession: I was inspired to write this post when as I was rushing to get ready this morning I put on some lip gloss and instantly felt happier and more confident. I'm not kidding, I really like the lip gloss I'm wearing, and it's poppin'!
LOL is this what I miss by not having listened to a radio in years? (leaving your car back home does this to you...)