Friday, July 15

Not the end

image taken from here

No, the US release of the final film of the Harry Potter is not The End.  The end of the story, yes, but it's not the end of Harry Potter.  No, there will be no more big honkin' releases where we get to see the whole cast in Muggle clothing.  Actually I sort of take that back, because when the DVD gets released (in November, I'm guessing, so just in time to be added to someone's Christmas list) the actors and producers might get back together for the DVD launch.  And then maybe that could be the end, because then the movie is legally available to all. Also, maybe nine or ten years from now there will be a commemorative event for the film, the way that there are big anniversary releases for 'nouveau classic films' like the Back to the Future series and all the Brat Pack movies.

Okay, maybe this is a bit of denial.  I'm open to have my attitude interpreted as such.  But really, there's no need for additional drama around this movie.  It's already been filmed and everyone involved has said many goodbyes to the experience, and now the world gets to witness it.  The final book was released four years ago and some of the tension of wondering what will transpire is taken away.  I know who dies, who lives, what happens in the end and it's just a matter of seeing how it gets interpreted from page to celluloid.  I go back to what I said earlier, about how the DVD release is the actual end.  But it will be a beginning as well, because we, the public, will be able to legally have the entire series on DVD or Blu-ray or on a file on a computer, and be able to have it for our own to pause and replay and skip over scenes as we please.  Maybe it's not an end, but like a slight twist of one part of a strip of paper that gets taped to the other side of the paper, and becomes a Mobius strip.  It's closed off, and it has only one side that can be traced, I think I've become even less coherent and sensible than I started off.  It makes sense to me.  I'll probably put my foot in my mouth and melt out of embarassment if I ever deign to reread this post...

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