Sunday, July 17

Instruments and the people who play them, part II

click here for part I

Trumpet/cornet players
Not a shy bunch are these musicians.  This isn't to say that they're all in-your-face extroverts, but generally trumpet players don't have a problem speaking their minds and making themselves heard.  The brass section is usually pretty male-dominated with a few females sprinkled here and there. 

Trombone players
In my experience, trombone players have the best sense of humor out of all the brass players.  Trombones always go in front in parades because having them follow any section would be hazardous, to say the least (the slide part extends preeetty far out).  To me the trombone is sort of the odd man in the brass section because there are no valves to press down and it takes a certain kind of person and precision to differentiate between the positions for notes.

French horn players
I think that at one point in time French horn players were considered unreliable, but all the ones I've met are very reliable and intelligent.  Definitely some of the smartest people I knew in high school were French horn players.  I've been told that the instrument has the smallest mouthpiece and therefore is the most difficult brass instrument to play-- it's hard to get a really good sound out of it.  Also, it seems that French horn players are constantly transposing ("translating" from the key of one instrument to another). The French horn is unique in that it has an ambient sound that emanates in all directions, whereas most brass instruments just project wherever the bell part is focused.

Baritone/tuba players
Unfortunately I lump these two different instrument groups together because I just have not met enough of either type of musician to make a fair stereotype out of them.  They are an eclectic bunch and defy definition.  There's a sterotype that tuba players are large men who are about the same size as their instrument, but the ones I've met are all on the slim side.  I think baritone horn players are slightly more goofy/ humourous than tuba players, but I find most brass players to be pretty good-natured and relaxed in comparison to other instrumentalists.

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